2022 Member Survey

Tell us who you are:
*By providing your cell phone number you consent to receive calls (including recorded or autodialed calls, or texts) at that number from AFSCME, AFSCME Council 65 and its affiliated labor, political and charitable organizations on any subject matter. Your carrier’s rates may apply. You may modify your preferences by emailing [email protected] or calling AFSCME Council 65 at (888) 474-3242.
AFSCME Membership

If you are not an AFSCME Member, or are unsure please skip to the "Work Sector" Question.

Extremely LowLowAverageFully Staffed
At my workplace: *
In my department: *
In my job classification: *
At my workplace before the pandemic (2019 or earlier): *
Local Government Employee
Extremely LowLowAverageFully Staffed
In the city/county where you work: *
In your department: *
In your job classification: *
In your department before the pandemic (2019 or earlier): *
School Employees:
Extremily LowLowAverageFully Staffed
In your school district: *
In your department: *
In your job classification: *
In your school prior to the pandemic (2019 or earlier): *
Healthcare Workers
Extremely LowLowAverageFull
Your entire workplace: *
In your department: *
In your job classification: *
Other facilities in your area: *
Your Workplace Prior to the pandemic (2019 or Earlier) *
Completely FullMostly FullAveragePlenty of Availability
Your entire workplace: *
Your department: *
In your job classification: *
Other facilities in your area: *
Patient Care Overall *
Nursing Care *
Lab/Tech Work *
Facilities/Maintenance *
Cleaning/Sanitizing *
Food Services *
Safety Security *
Major InterruptionMinor InterruptionLittle/No ImpactAre Helpful
General Questions
Work Satisfaction *
Respected *
Joy *
Stress & Anxiety Levels *
Safety *
Energy *
Work-Life Balance *
Zero ChanceNot LikelyCan't Afford ToLikelyActively Trying To
Leave for a less stressful position.
Leave for a more supportive employer.
Voluntarily reduce my hours.
Leave my field entirely.
Retire earlier than planned.
Leave for a safer workplace.
Zero SupportWords Without ActionSome SupportLots of SupportUnsure
Direct Supervisors
AFSCME Council 65
AFSCME International
My Community
Local Leaders
State Elected Officials
Federal Agencies
Local News